Tools for Myself
This is a list of resources & services for myself.
I also have a study list of various resources and how they benefit me!
Resources & URLs
The Integral Guide - The integral guide to well-being
You Feel like Shit
Interactive guide to why you might feel like shit.
Mental Health / Condition-specific for me
Things I use for myself
Health tracker that monitors 24/7 and gives insight based on my activities.
Reduce stress and such using vibration therapy.
Listen to music / binural beats while sleeping with these!
Measure focus level based on breaething.
Music scientifically proven to increase focus
Paper-like tablet. No distractions.
Help Myself
- Exercise
Exercise is very beneficial for myself. I usually feel great afterwards/
- Taking Meds
Not sure why I keep forgetting but I usually feel amazing after taking my meds
- Eating Healthy
Feel real good eating healthy, and lose some weight (eating disorder :c)
- Journaling
Good to journal my thoughts and keep track of my life. This helps me relieve stress and express my thoughts.
- Being kind to others
Being nice to my friends makes me feel nice (dopamine rush / surge)
- Avoid Social Media
Using social media is bad for my anxiety and makes me overwhelmed / overstimulated. Luckily, I don’t have many major forms of social media, and I try not to use them- though all my friends and everyone I know uses social media. Hard for me.
- Drink Water
Again, drinking water helps my brain and keep me going woo.
- Small walks
Small short walks help clear my thoughts, release stress and help me focus
- Stare at a far away object
Focusing at an object far away can help me focus and relieve stress and anxiety.
- Listen to music
Listening to music can be beneficial for my mood. I have to be careful what I listen to because I am easily motivated by music. Usually Lofi and Binural beats is good for me. Synthwave is good, and Nightcore is great background music for when i’m doing certain tasks. Warning - music affects my behavior EXTREMELY. BE CAUTIOUS.
- Get up and stand
Every 45 minutes I should get up out of my chair (assuming im sitting) and walk around.
- Cool Temperature
I do not function well in high temperature areas. I like it cool.
- Clear my enviroment
I cannot work in a messy enviroment with distractions. I work best in an empty white room with nothing to distract me.
- Read Books
Reading books. I love doing this but it’s extremely difficult for me to focus. I need to read in a calm area with NO distractions. Usually have to take Ritalin and listen to to focus for a bit.
- To Do lists
TODO LISTS ARE AWESOME. Remembering to use them is difficult. I use my Remarkable Tablet. I try to set this out in an area I use every day. > Update!! Been using Todoist. Very good.
- Form Habits
I do better getting up every day at the same time and doing the same thing every day. I can’t let my schedule slip.
- Avoid Alcohol
I do enjoy alcohol but it usually causes me 3 days to recover. Quit drinking alone. People make fun of me for that. How do they know though?
- Posture
I have an issue where there isn’t enough blood going to my brain. On top of this, my spine and neck is curving. Bad posture is actually why a lot of people die. Good posture will improve a lot of my issues. Headaches would go away, more blood to my brain.
- Sedating myself
Sedating myself at night is beneficial. Keeps my calm during the day. No or almost none anxiety.
- Taking Meds in certain order
I need to take M1 right when I wake up, and after I eat and maybe some studying, take M2. M3 & M4 as-needed. M5 & M6 should be used under certain circumstances.
Vitamins / Supplements etc.
I’ve likely tried most of these here. It’s hard for me to take them consistently > By far, Neurohacker has worked the best. (for me).
Qualia Life
Best vitamins i’ve taken. Very expensive. Haven’t taken them in a while due to the cost.
Everyday Dose
Mushroom coffee, helps improve focus signifigantly.
- Neuromaster