Tools for Myself

Tools for Myself

This is a list of resources & services for myself.

I also have a study list of various resources and how they benefit me!

Resources & URLs

Things I use for myself

Help Myself

  • Exercise

    Exercise is very beneficial for myself. I usually feel great afterwards/

  • Taking Meds

    Not sure why I keep forgetting but I usually feel amazing after taking my meds

  • Eating Healthy

    Feel real good eating healthy, and lose some weight (eating disorder :c)

  • Journaling

    Good to journal my thoughts and keep track of my life. This helps me relieve stress and express my thoughts.

  • Being kind to others

    Being nice to my friends makes me feel nice (dopamine rush / surge)

  • Avoid Social Media

    Using social media is bad for my anxiety and makes me overwhelmed / overstimulated. Luckily, I don’t have many major forms of social media, and I try not to use them- though all my friends and everyone I know uses social media. Hard for me.

  • Drink Water

    Again, drinking water helps my brain and keep me going woo.

  • Small walks

    Small short walks help clear my thoughts, release stress and help me focus

  • Stare at a far away object

    Focusing at an object far away can help me focus and relieve stress and anxiety.

  • Listen to music

    Listening to music can be beneficial for my mood. I have to be careful what I listen to because I am easily motivated by music. Usually Lofi and Binural beats is good for me. Synthwave is good, and Nightcore is great background music for when i’m doing certain tasks. Warning - music affects my behavior EXTREMELY. BE CAUTIOUS.

  • Get up and stand

    Every 45 minutes I should get up out of my chair (assuming im sitting) and walk around.

  • Cool Temperature

    I do not function well in high temperature areas. I like it cool.

  • Clear my enviroment

    I cannot work in a messy enviroment with distractions. I work best in an empty white room with nothing to distract me.

  • Read Books

    Reading books. I love doing this but it’s extremely difficult for me to focus. I need to read in a calm area with NO distractions. Usually have to take Ritalin and listen to to focus for a bit.

  • To Do lists

    TODO LISTS ARE AWESOME. Remembering to use them is difficult. I use my Remarkable Tablet. I try to set this out in an area I use every day.

  • Form Habits

    I do better getting up every day at the same time and doing the same thing every day. I can’t let my schedule slip.

  • Avoid Alcohol

    I do enjoy alcohol but it usually causes me 3 days to recover. Quit drinking alone. People make fun of me for that. How do they know though?

  • Posture

    I have an issue where there isn’t enough blood going to my brain. On top of this, my spine and neck is curving. Bad posture is actually why a lot of people die. Good posture will improve a lot of my issues. Headaches would go away, more blood to my brain.

  • Sedating myself

    Sedating myself at night is beneficial. Keeps my calm during the day. No or almost none anxiety.


I’ve likely tried most of these here. It’s hard for me to take them consistently > By far, Neurohacker has worked the best. (for me).

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