
Strain Update

Wanted to give a quick update. No graphs right now. I’ll post those tomorrow.

Tomorrow i’m going to get blood work done. On top of that i’ve discovered a biohacking facility really close to me.

Today, I tried a new coffee, everydaydose and it had me feeling a bit weird at first. I usually get this weird feeling in my head when I drink coffee. I was walking my dog and got real light headed and dizzy. I almost fainted. I think this was due to low blood sugar or something. (this has heppened to me before many times). Anyways, what i’m trying to get to is that today, my strain was recorded at 20.5. The theoretical max is 21 due to it being logarithmic. Very very weird. I looked at the graph and it was like, average of 11-12, and all the sudden a spike to 20.5, almost near the hypothetical maximum the human body will handle. Strange. Again, today people were asking if i’m okay. not sure why people are aesking me this all the sudden. Anyways, good night, and hopefully tomorrow i’ll integrate some cool stuff on this website like my beatsaber stats, spotify integration, whatever, I don’t know. Good night.

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