
pretty unRemarkable

I gotta upload more books to my Remarkable.. OH That reminds me, I do have a list of PDFs I wanna make an archive.

This is an archive of MY brain. this website. So, yes.

I wanna create a script to automatically take my handwritten notes from my Remarkable tablet then automatically run an OCR conversion and upload them here. That way I could just be myself and not have to worry about the whole github push thing and wahtnot. Would take a lot of time and realistically I would probably just fail at it.

I need to be by mysself more. When i’m alone, I do better. No external thoughts. It’s the way it has to be, but unfortunately I cannot be trusted alone. I have to be monitored. I can’t do anything alone. Well, considering the things i’ve done in the past.. well, I wasn’t actually going to die… Really?/

If I create a PDF archive on here, but then i’m fostering “piracy” or whatever. Ugh. It’s obviously for.. educational use. Right?

Yeah. This is a science experiment of my brain, therefore everything is fair game.

I do have been using Remnote a bit. I need to get my money under control. I lost my magic cards. I lost my atraxa deck. Where did it go??? I don’t know.. I think it might’ve gotten thrown away… i spent a lot of money on those.. fuck. fuck. fuckk. fuck. fuck. i know i know. It might be in my closet.. right?? I think someone stole them, or someone threw them away. Fucking sucks dude. .

Gotta use Brain.FM more and such. I do a lot better alone. I really do. I just need a stable workflow, and routine. No more over-thinking shit. I know i’m gonna succseed. I just gotta be ALONE. I do BETTER ALONE. I am better alone. I am better alone.

Always havae been.

I need my thoughts to myself. Like, i’m not insane. You probably think that i’m insane, with huge paragraphs of ranting and random delussions and whatnot, but no. It’s just me thinking to myself. Talking to myself is how I proccess information. I probably am a bit crazy, but typing out my thoughts helps me analyze it.

shit got sidetracked. I gotta get things done. Need to.. fuck what was I doing..?

shit fuck me. oh right, archive of my brain and whatnot. Gotta upload stuff. Remnote, remarkable, ok ok. I think I remember.

I’ll get started. Right? I’m better alone, yes.

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