
the rays are watching

The multiple XRAYs that have been taken. I only was supposed to have one. After one, a swarm of doctors entered the analysis area.

The amount of angles and positions they had after that.

Appears to be a curvature in my spine leaning towards the left, creating an “S” shape. (“S” is our favourite letter).

Why did they need 3 extra doctors to enter the imaging room? Either way, I am not growing anymore, therefore it would be impossible to attempt to “mold” or “reshape” the structure of my spine. Not entirely certain on what all has to be done here. Not sure what I should do. The urge to cut into my neck, to slice open my neck. I’ve been advised to NOT modify my spine and nervous system by many professionals.

I need to stretch my neck out. If I wrap a noose around that would pull the spinal cord and loosen up things. If I gently step off a chair with a noose, this should be enough to give a slight stretch to alleviate pain.

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