

absolutely killing it.

(don’t blame me, there isn’t “spell check” on VSCODIUM. working on a better solution with my Remarkable Tablet, gonna take time.. (time i don’t have))

Achieved a new recorded high max HR of 205.

Drentched in sweat but it was well worth it.

oo my cat ccame in right now to say hi.

Took 5 MG of Ritalin before workout. I forgot that taking Ritalin before the workout signifigantly helps me. I don’t take it a lot, i don’t know why. I have like… 10 bottles of untaken meds.

On another note, sleep tracking might be broken.

Working on less sugar. Have to go back to the hospital tomorrow for my heart.

wait, maybe i shouldn’t be doing 205 BPM considering the issue with my heart ant wahtnot. oh.

My BOOX comes today as well. Need to get control of the financial situation though. No more LTT…

I spent THOUSANDS probably on LTT merch. at least 1K.. bruh.

I also spent like… a lot of moneh on random steam games… but it was worth it though, body cam might be my new favorite game. I had only seen like random clips of people playing and seemed fun. It actually is like really fucking fun.

It reminds me of airsoft so much. That’s exactly how it looks during airsoft. Like, it’s actually accurate to like what i’d be doing in airsoft. Looks like that time I recorded my airsoft games. (might re open a YT channel and upload airsoft gameplay, maybeee lmk).

But I might start a clan in bodycam. I mean, i’m good on most maps, except for the fucking retarted abandoned hospital map. I don’t know. I just don’t like hospitals LMAO.

But seriously though, i’m shit on that map. “whorehouse” is my fav. Not called that IG but you know.

Ona nother note, ozlo sleepbuds hav ebeen pretty damn good. Been able to listen to music all night, which sometimes it helps me, other times i wake up feeling fucking drunk.

I don’t know the secret, i have to keep experimenting. On another really good note. I’m finally doing things the RIGHT way now. The way I used to use things. Like - removing away from shitcord and fuck that bitch. Github is also shit too but, YK…. I don’t feel like fucking with that now.

Especially since it’s owned by Microshit. I ordered a few Mr Robot posters. Gonna hagn them in my bedroom. yay.

I also hm.. been cleaning my r oom a lot more which has been beneficial so yayh.

The only thing that’s missing is my desktop PC.. the fucking motherboard broke during a power surge or some whit. It was fucking comical dude.

I was doing fucking DATA RECOVERY on a bunch of old hard drives to get my old 2FA codes for my OG discord account (One with early supporter role BTW.) That acc was made in 2016!! fuck me dude.

I hav etoo many alts, like my current acc s a t h e or whatever the fuck is lik emy 10 th alt or osme tshit like that i can’t keep f ucking control of myself everythings unorganized.

well majority of my accounts (some) were banned for.. “inciting violence” againstg a certain “group” or something. who knows.

But that is kinda funny though. also been h@king.


Been doing CTF as well as my local malicious PWN box and whatnot. Gosh I forgot the thrill of breaking into systems.. hehe..

I miss that rush. But gotta be careful casue like, don’t wnana get expelledl ike it did the one tdhing.

Alcohol is bad hehe. but also good..?

i gotta get away from sugary alcohol. that’s the bad shit. as much as I love it, the sugar fucks with me.

I can fuck with vodka redbull actually wait, nah that’ll mess me up heart even more than it it already is.

I got a new box for holding all my magic cards… still fucking panicing about can’t finding my atraxa deck. everytime i think of it i have a break down. these were like the commander was close to $80 LIKE. THE COMMANDEER ALONE IS AN 80 DOLLAR CARD, AND THERE’S 99 OTHERS…

There were some fucking expensive cards in tha tbnitch. ugh.

i have to find it. i think someone stole it :c

oh shit i have a summer class that i forgot about. wellp. fuck me dude.

!remindme 10h summer

or some shjit.

integrated more things with my whoop, sucha s my body metrics like lean body fat and whatnot.

IDK why people are telling me to gain weight, i’ m fucking no

cosmic neue is such a great font

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