
Start good habits

Good to start the good habits. Wake up early every morning, take my meds and exercise. Eating healthy is good too. I’ve been journaling my thoughts on my Remarkable Tablet. Been keeping up with school work which is good. Keeping up for now.. I’ve been trying to be as productive as possible. Trying to limit my distractions as much as possible. It’s kinda hard to limit my distractions. I’ve been really trying hard here. Been getting back on pace with my readings as well as my other side-studies. I’d say I am doing good now. Trying to meet new people and make friends but i’m not good at that and I don’t think i’ve ever done this. I don’t care, now is not the time for that. KEEP i DON’T KNOW what i was saying there. Anyways. Been doing good real great. hehe.

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